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Our Fellowships

Every church in Love World Incorporated has certain groups called the Pastoral Care Fellowships (PCFs). These groups are responsible for caring for every member in the church and are further divided into smaller units called Cells.

Purpose and Function

The cell

In biological terms a cell is the smallest structural unit of the body. In other words, cells are the building blocks of the human body. In the same manner, in the body of Christ, cells are the structures and building blocks of the church.

In the early days of the church the disciples functioned with the cell system. The bible talks about how the disciples met in the house of Priscilla and Aquilla and broke bread from house to house. (Scriptural references Romans 16:3-5, Acts 2:46).

The cell system

The cell system groups people according to their specific needs and caters for their total spiritual nourishment through fellowship. It is the security network of the church and also an avenue for soul winning and development.

Through the cell a member can be actively involved in evangelism and thereby fulfilling the Lord’s number one vision, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”. ( Mark 16:15)

Our cells in Christ Embassy Broadway

A Cell… Our cells in Christ Embassy Broadway cut across vocation, age, status and background, providing an avenue for both old and new members to express themselves and to reach out to their world in their own unique way. Several cells make up a PCF and in this section, you will meet with the individual PCFs we have in church. They will introduce themselves to you and you will know what they stand for, how many cells they have and where they hold their meetings.

We hope that if you are not yet in a cell, after going through this section, you will make up your mind to join one. We have fellowships that suit your needs and your time schedule so you have no excuse to miss our fellowships.